How to take care of children in the changing season, know what doctors say

Baby Care Tips: The month of March is going on. The weather is constantly changing. The cold has not gone completely yet and the summer has not come properly. This changing season has a direct effect on our health. Small children get sick immediately in this season. As soon as the health of the children deteriorates, the parents take them to the doctor. The doctor also says that special care should be taken of children in this season, so that they remain healthy and smiling. Come let’s know what advice pediatricians are giving regarding the health of children in the changing season.

Take care of children like this in the changing season

Children’s doctor says that the month of March is more volatile for children. Since there is both winter and summer season at this time, the health of the children is more affected. In this season, the problem of cold, cold, fever, headache is common in children. Sometimes blood also comes out from the nose of the children. The doctor says that if you want your child to be healthy and not to fall prey to this type of disease, then keep him dressed in light warm clothes. Make children wear full sleeve clothes. If you run a fan when it is hot at night, then keep it slow but keep the children covered with a sheet.

Special attention to children’s food

According to the doctor, special attention should be paid to the diet of the children during the change in the weather. In this season, keep children as far away from fried things as possible. Give them maximum seasonal fruits to eat. Include fruits like cucumber, cucumber, watermelon, orange in their diet. Give only light and nutritious things in food. Keep giving warm water to the children. Despite this, if the symptoms of cold and fever are seen in the children, then immediately show them to the doctor.

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