If the stomach is not cleaned properly then definitely eat fox nuts, constipation and indigestion will be relieved

Constipation Prevention: Constipation is a problem in itself, but if it is not solved on time, it also becomes the cause of many major diseases. That’s why it is very important to control constipation. Generally, the problem of constipation is due to lifestyle related reasons and due to negligence related to diet. But this also happens due to many diseases.

The easiest way to avoid and control the problem of constipation is to include more foods in your eating habits, which are high fiber foods and also from nutrition. be abundant One such food is Fox Nuts, which we Indians call Makhana. How should it be consumed, in what quantity and when should it be consumed, all the important questions like this are being answered here…

Makhana is a super healthy snack

Whenever it comes to healthy snacks, fried makhana is definitely included in it. By eating makhana, the craving also calms down and the body does not have to bear the burden of extra fat. This is a big reason why Makhana is like a main food in the diet of fitness freaks. In our country Makhana is fried and eaten as well as used for making sweets and desserts.

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When and in what quantity to eat Makhana?

Makhana is a dry fruit but its effect is cool. However, it is also consumed in winters. Because it is rich in fiber, iron and protein. It is used in making many types of dishes with milk. This is about the way of eating makhana.

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Now the question is how much Makhana should be eaten in a day?

Makhana may be very light in weight but it is rich in terms of nutrition. You can eat 2 to 3 handfuls of Makhana every day. If we talk about the weight then it will be around 20 to 25 grams. It is even better if Makhana is consumed with milk. Because this increases the nutritional properties of both milk and makhana. That’s why you can consume Makhana milk or Makhana kheer.

How does makhana prevent constipation?

  • Makhanas are rich in fiber. In terms of digestion, fibers are such elements, which make the stomach feel full quickly and are easily digested. That is, the body does not have to work hard to digest them, but it takes more time to digest them, so the stomach remains full for a long time and you do not have the craving to eat useless things.
  • Makhana is rich in iron, protein, calcium, vitamins, which fulfill the nutritional deficiency of the body and help in keeping the intestines healthy from inside.
  • Due to being rich in fiber, stool does not get accumulated in the intestines of people who eat makhana. That’s why the stomach of people who eat Makhana remains clean and there is no problem of constipation.
  • However, it is not at all that you should leave the health of your stomach to the trust of Makhana. Consumption of Makhana in excess can cause harm. That’s why keep the whole diet healthy and stay active. People who are physically active have more constipation than people who do not do so.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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