If there is continued swelling in the hands and fingers, this is a sign of this disease, do these things immediately.

Some people often experience swelling and itching in their hands and feet. Today we will talk in detail about the reason behind this and the diseases related to it. Such problems can happen to people of any age. But with age, this disease becomes more and more problematic. A serious illness that occurs when sodium levels in the blood become abnormally low. Other symptoms include confusion and vomiting. See a doctor immediately.

Lymphedema: Chronic disease that occurs when the lymphatic system is blocked. Due to which fluid accumulates in the hands and feet. Other symptoms include a change in skin color. Involves blistering and fluid leaking. Treatment includes compression therapy, exercises and lymphatic drainage massage.

Arthritis: A common cause of swelling in the hands, especially in the morning.

Infection: It must be treated immediately.

Drop: Causes extreme pain and joint swelling. Usually in the big toe, but can also occur in the fingers. Medications can help relieve pain and prevent future attacks.

Heart attack: Occurs when the heart cannot pump blood efficiently, causing blood to pool in the hands. Other symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath and chest pressure.

There is not just one reason for swelling, but several reasons. Often the swelling occurs internally. Sometimes liver and kidney diseases also cause swelling in certain parts of the body. Its symptoms include weight gain, difficulty breathing, feeling tired and swelling in the legs. Swelling can also occur due to infection, allergies, or medication side effects. During pregnancy, hormonal changes and increased blood volume can also cause swelling in the hands and feet.

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home remedies
To avoid this, you can stay healthy by following home remedies and getting rid of the swelling. Being overweight increases the risk of bloating, so keep your weight in check. Exercise regularly, this helps reduce swelling. Apart from this, reduce your salt intake. Water helps keep the body hydrated and reduce swelling, so drink plenty of water.

Also read:The risk of heart disease will decrease, just reduce this one thing in your diet.

Apply cold compress, apply aloe vera gel, consume ginger, if you still have swelling in your hands and feet, consult a doctor. If the swelling is due to pain, infection, or allergy, the doctor may prescribe medication. But if the swelling is due to a blood clot, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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