If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

Sleeping Tips: You want to have a good night’s sleep, but even after lying in bed for hours, you cannot sleep. This is really disturbing because because of this, you do not feel completely energetic and refreshed the next day. Due to this, yawning and fatigue prevail throughout the day, which affects the work of the office-house-family. Here we have brought you such a technique to get early sleep, which is usually used by extremely punctual people. This technique is also called Soldier Technique…

quick sleep method

  • First of all, lie down on your bed and take a deep breath and calm your body and mind. During this, inhale slowly and release slowly.
  • Now while lying on the bed, do facial exercises first. Move your eyes, lips, tongue, jaw-line and all the muscles of your face. Where necessary, you can take the help of hands, like while relaxing the eyes.
  • After doing facial exercises, take a break of 10 seconds and try to relax the muscles of your legs while lying on the bed. For this, move the claws back and forth and left and right. Tighten the muscles of the feet and then leave them loose.
  • Now focus on the breath and slowly inhale, then slowly exhale. While inhaling, think that you are filling pure life air inside you and while exhaling, meditate that the polluted air is coming out of your body… Will work. And you will wake up fresh in the morning. Maybe, in the first few days, you may find it difficult to follow this process and feel that it is not working, but only do it continuously for 7 days, the result will be in front of you.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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