If you also have the habit of sleeping upside down then know these are the disadvantages

Sleeping Position: It is said that it is most important to have the right position at the time of sleeping. Otherwise you do not feel fresh and energetic even after 8 hours of sleep. There are many different positions of gold. Some people sleep upright, some people sleep on their side, some sleep on their stomach. Most people sleep upside down, but let us tell you that sleeping on the stomach can cause many damages to our body.

Why should not sleep on your stomach

  • When we sleep on our stomach, it affects our neck. And this leads to the problem of neck pain, because while sleeping on the stomach, we have to turn the neck to the right and left side, due to which the neck is not able to remain straight.
  • When we wake up after sleeping on our stomach, we feel heaviness. This is because the entire weight of our body is on our stomach and front part.
  • Sleeping on the stomach can also cause back pain, because when you sleep upside down, you are not able to lie down properly on the bed and the back remains slightly raised. In such a situation, sleeping like this for a long time can cause back pain.
  • Not only this, sleeping on the stomach can also cause problems related to constipation, indigestion and stomach pain, so we should sleep straight or on the side,
  • Especially after eating food, we should not sleep upside down.
  • Experts believe that small children should not sleep upside down, as it affects their height. On the contrary, if the child sleeps upright, then his physical and mental development is fast and the height also increases.

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