If you see these signals in the body, be careful, serious problems may arise.

What is inflammation: What is inflammation and how does it occur? That’s a big question. If you look at the literal meaning of the term inflammation, it simply means swelling. But is this swelling as easy to see and understand as it seems? It really is so common.

If you think of swelling as a common problem, you might be wrong. Visible swelling outside the body may be part of the body’s immune system. But the inflammation occurred inside the body. They can be a sign or the start of a major problem. Therefore, do not take inflammation lightly. What is inflammation and how to avoid it? It is important to know this too.

What is inflammation and its types?

What is acute inflammation?

Acute inflammation is a healthy process in which the body adopts this method to heal wounds and fight infections. As soon as the body is injured or infected, your body’s cells and immune system become active. Fever, pain, redness and inflammation are its common symptoms. All this is done to protect the body thanks to white blood cells.

As soon as this inflammation process is over, the body returns to its normal state.

What is chronic inflammation?

When the body prevents any infection for a long time. But he himself is not able to cope with it. This type of inflammation then occurs. This inflammation persists for a long time. The result is that it can damage healthy tissues and cause serious illness.

Chronic inflammation is also of two types:

Local inflammation – when a problem persists for a long time in a particular area, such as a tooth infection.

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Systemic inflammation – when it affects the whole body, for example due to a serious illness.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation

Symptoms such as fever, pain and fatigue are common during acute inflammation. But when these symptoms persist for a long time or occur repeatedly, it may be a sign of chronic inflammation. Its common symptoms are:

• Fever and night sweats

• Feeling tired all the time

• Unexplained weight gain or loss

• Skin related problems

• Pain in joints or muscles

• Stomach-related problems, such as diarrhea, constipation or acidity

• get sick frequently

Main causes of inflammation

autoimmune diseases

Ways to Reduce Inflammation

The risk of chronic inflammation can be reduced by changing lifestyle and eating habits. Relief can also be obtained through a balanced diet, regular physical activity and stress management.

due to chronic inflammation

Autoimmune diseases: such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

Heart diseases: such as high blood pressure.

Digestive system problems: such as Crohn’s disease and intestinal inflammation.

Lung diseases: such as asthma.

Metabolic diseases: such as type 2 diabetes.

Changing your diet will bring relief

A diet high in processed and fatty foods, refined carbohydrates, and red meat can increase inflammation and increase the risk of chronic diseases. In such a situation, inflammation can be reduced by eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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