India Inc employees continue to battle mental health issues

The COVID-19 pandemic could be showing signs of abating, but India Inc. continues to be distressed. The constant cycle of stress for people over the last two years without any breaks or time to develop some sort of coping mechanism has led to mental and emotional exhaustion and exhaustion, said mental health experts

Although the number of Covid-19 infections While the country is at its lowest level since the pandemic began, call volumes from professionals seeking mental and emotional health support still remain elevated.

Data from psychological health platform InnerHour shows that the volume of calls seeking counseling support on its helplines is 6-7 times higher than during the pre-pandemic era. The level of stress and anxiety among professionals is the same as last year and shows no signs of abating despite life and business returning to normal.

Others, such as, a leading provider of mental health services for employees, said that between April and May, nearly 20% of their clients who requested stress support complained of extreme distress and depression, a stage in which that people feel overwhelmed and cannot handle stress on their own. In the days before Covid, the number of distressed calls was around 10%.

“A prolonged period of chronic stress has led to burnout among many people. The yoyo of good and bad news has added to the endemic mental and emotional stress,” said Amit Malik, founder and CEO of Innerhour.

Some of the top symptoms people seek support for include panic attack, insomnia, mental fatigue, high anxiety, inability to concentrate, frequent arguments with loved ones, and doubt and hopelessness about the future, mental health experts and Employee said. Assistance. Program Service Providers (EAP).

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Many people spoke about anxiety about returning to work: managing routines differently, feeling anxious about the new structure, loss of productivity, fear of losing their job, and difficulty adjusting to the new normal, said Archana Bisht, director of 1to1help. .net. “Life feels rearranged again,” Bisht said.

“People are also worried about the children, finding support for them or putting them in day care/depending on external support, also worried about their safety,” he added. “Then there are people who have moved back to their hometown during Covid, now that companies are insisting on going back to the office, they have to start looking for accommodation and going back to the base location, which creates a lot of stress and anxiety for many people, Bisht added.Also, many people found working from home to be more profitable, but now that’s also increasing, on top of the added stress of commuting to work.

A recent survey by HappyPlus Consulting of over 20,000 Indians shows that seven out of 10 Indians feel nervous and stressed on a regular basis. The main reasons for stress are the uncertainties of Covid-19, health, financial empowerment, family and friends, pressure in the workplace.

Another survey that reached more than 5,000 professionals showed that 53% of people said they had a lot of stress related to the workplace.

“The top reasons people cited were unrealistic expectations in the workplace, going back to the office, and travel stress. There is a lot of productivity anxiety among people as they find it hard to cope with the new normal,” said Ashish Ambasta, Founder and CEO of HappyPlus Consulting.

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