India is number 1 in food and drinks, Indian food is the best in the world

Indian foods: India has no answers when it comes to food and drink. The best food in the world is only available in our country. In terms of climate change, our country’s food is the best in the world. Whatever we eat, it also benefits the earth. This is what the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), based in Switzerland, claims. In its latest “Living Planet Report”, this non-governmental organization admitted that Indians have the best food in the world. Know what’s in this report…

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What does the Living Planet Report say?

India’s food style has been highly praised in WWF’s ‘Living Planet Report’. It has been said in the report that Indian food is the best among the major economies of the world, i.e. G20 countries. If by 2050 all countries in the world adopt the Indian consumption pattern, the damage caused to the environment will be significantly reduced. In this report, the food of Argentina, Australia and America was described as the worst.

What is the relationship between food and the environment

The report says that if by 2050 every person in the world adopts the eating habits of large-economy countries, greenhouse gas emissions from food will reduce global temperatures by 1.5 degrees Celsius to 263%. . Will increase further. We will then need not one but 7 Earths to meet our needs.

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India’s ‘Mission Millet’ was highly praised in this report. It has been claimed that if by 2050 all countries in the world started eating like India, then only 0.84% ​​of the Earth’s surface would be used to meet food needs. Greenhouse gas emissions from food here are very low.

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The food of these countries will not be provided in a single country

It was said in this report that if Argentinian food is adopted, the world will need 7.4 times that of Earth. At the same time, 6.8 lands will be needed to feed Australia, 5.5 lands for America, Brazil – 5.2, France – 5, Italy – 4.6, the Canada – 4.5 and adopting British food will require 3.9 lands. India is best placed in this regard: adopting its diet would require only 0.84% ​​of the Earth’s land surface. After that, Indonesia – 0.9, China – 1.7, Japan – 1.8 and Saudi Arabia – 2.

What kind of food should be

According to the report, if we eat properly, we won’t need a lot of land to grow food. It can be used for other things. The report also focuses on promoting other protein alternatives. The focus was on nutrient-rich algae as well as legumes, nutritious grains and plant-based meat.

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