Indoor Vs Outdoor Cycling: Which is better indoor or outdoor cycling for weight loss

Cycling Benefits: If you have sweated for an hour and a half in the gym and have done 20 minutes of cycling, then both are equal. Yes, cycling is such an exercise that completes your entire day’s workout in no time. This works on your entire body. Cycling is a great cardio workout. Another advantage of this is that even if you do not know cycling, then you can keep yourself fit by taking the help of indoor cycle. Indoor bicycles are used the most in gyms. But you must be thinking that which will be better for your health between cycling in an open environment and indoors, then today we will tell you which of indoor cycling or outdoor cycling beneficial for you.

How many calories are burned in
Let us tell you that outdoor cycling burns more calories than indoor cycling. Suppose a person weighing 57 kg does indoor cycling for 30 minutes, then he will burn 315 calories, it also depends on his speed.

which one is better
Cycling in an open environment not only opens your mind but also changes your mood. On the other hand, indoor cycling, you can increase the speed, no need to follow traffic rules, you can do cycling with your eyes closed, there are many other benefits that you can take in indoor cycling.

what are the features
If you want to lose weight then both the cycles are right for you. Indoor cycling has played an important role in reducing cholesterol levels, increasing stamina in young women. At the same time, a research found that 40 female participants who did indoor cycling for 12 weeks reduced their cholesterol level, fat and body mass index. Which shows that indoor cycling keeps your mood fresh along with your mental health.

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