Low heart signs : Heart is one of the most important and delicate organs in our body. As long as he beats, our life also continues. Usually, the complaints linked to it occur to old age, because the organs become weak during aging and there are problems in their functioning. But nowadays due to a bad lifestyle, poor diet, stress, low physical activity and an irregular routine, the heart has started to weaken at a young age.
In such a situation, it becomes very important to take care of it. But the question arises that our heart is weak, how will it be known. According to the cardiologist, there are special signs to identify the weekly hearts. If these symptoms appear continuously, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately.
1. feel tired quickly
If you feel very tired even after doing light work or starts to breathe on the stairs, then this can be a sign that your heart is weak.
2. Breffe of breath or heaviness of the chest
Due to the weakness of the heart, the body does not get enough oxygen, because of which the breath begins to swell. Several times, there is a feeling of pressure or heaviness in the chest even after having made a light physical activity.
3. Swelling of the legs and ankles
When the heart becomes weak, the blood circulation is affected in the body, causing swelling in the legs, ankles and even the stomach.
4. Constant dizziness or sentimentation
5. breathe or snoring in sleep
If you have trouble breathing while sleeping or riding noisily, it may indicate the heart problem. In such a situation, the doctor should not be delayed in the demonstration.
If your heart is very fast, very slow or irregular, it can be a symptom of heart weakness. In such a state, you must go immediately to the doctor.
Why the heart is weak
High blood pressure
Bad lifestyle
Excess junk food, alcohol, smoking and lack of exercise
Stress and anxiety
How to keep the heart strong
1. Make at least 30 minutes of walking, yoga or cardio exercise per day.
2. Eat more fibers, green vegetables, fruit and healthy fats.
3. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
4. Reduce stress, get meditation, deep breathing and a lot of sleep.
5. Continue to check the blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar from time to time.
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