Is your child hyperactive all the time? Know if he has ADHD disease?

Symptoms Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: If your child’s mind seems less in studies or he finds it difficult to focus in studies, then the child may be a victim of ADHD disease. This is a neuro-related disease in which the child is not able to concentrate properly in studies or any work, it is the most common disorder found in children, although this disease gradually subsides but if little attention is not given then It can persist even after growing up.

How to recognize if a child has ADHD?
1- The first symptom of this disease is not being able to focus on any task or completing any task or apart from not being able to remember daily activities on time.
2- The second biggest symptom of ADHD is hyperactivity which is easily recognized. If the child cannot sit on one seat for a long time or looks very hasty or is always in a hurried mood, then he may be a victim of ADHD.
3- Even if impulsiveness is seen in the child, it can be a symptom of ADHD. Impulsivity is the meaning in which the child has little patience. These children are unable to wait for their number to come and speak in the middle of other’s number or they come in the task of other children.

How to overcome ADHD
1- First of all, understand this disease and there should be awareness among parents as well as school teachers about it.
2- There are many types of therapy to reduce this disease, they can be resorted to.
3- If the child has a lot of ADHD then medical treatment may be needed.
4- To manage ADHD, sometimes children may need to be taught in a special school
5- Do not rush into any work with the child, rather make it a habit to relax and work comfortably.
6- Make sure to put the child in any physical activity or sports of his choice so that his focus increases.
7- Involve the child in music, drawing, craft or any such creative activity that keeps his mind calm
8- Get focused puzzles, Sudoku or such games in which the child pays attention.
9 Don’t be a multitasker with kids. If you are involved in any activity or studies with the child, then just do it.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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