Is your teenager struggling with depression? Know the signs, tips to deal

It’s yours Teen Does he seem distant or moody today? While parents may feel that teen tantrums are the result of indiscipline, sometimes these behavioral issues can be due to poor mental health due to all the changes kids have to deal with during this time. From their changing bodies, to the pressure of studying, to the influence of their peers, it can all be overwhelming for them. Teenagers are particularly prone to depression and parents should pay attention to any possible changes in them due to deteriorating mental health. (Also read: 8 Positive Things to Say to a Person Struggling with Depression)

“Puberty through early adulthood is a particularly sensitive time for children’s mental health because of all the changes and new pressures that occur during this period. Adolescents can feel depressed for a variety of reasons. A family history of depression , traumatic childhood events, including physical or emotional abuse or death of parents, taught negative thought patterns, and changes in hormonal balance are some of the contributing reasons,” says Dr. Manju Gupta, Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida.

signs of depression

When changes in appearance and behavior occur naturally, puberty is a special time. As a result, it is critical that parents, educators, and other caregivers be more vigilant about symptoms of depression, which can be difficult to distinguish from typical behavioral changes. Mood swings, parental alienation, and peer identification are typical features during puberty.

Dr. Gupta shares signs of depression in teens:

● Ideas of self-harm

● skipping school

● Academic decline

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● Continuous and nebulous physical complaints

● Too guilty

● Communication failure detection

● Lose interest in things that used to be interesting

● Clinging to parents or worrying about their death

● trouble sleeping

● Weight variations

● Difficulty concentrating and paying attention

Why does the risk of depression increase in puberty?

Dr. Gupta says there are several explanations for the surprising rise in depression during adolescence, however there is limited consensus among academics and medical professionals.

Here are some possible causes:


“The female sex hormone estrogen has been frequently linked to depression. Girls’ estradiol levels rise sharply during puberty, which may help explain why their rates of depression are rising. On the other hand, depression doesn’t has been linked to testosterone, a male sexual hormone that increases in men during puberty.A diathesis-stress model was suggested as a possible explanation for why women are more likely to experience depression in a study that examined gender and sex differences in depression are likely to interact with depression,” says Dr. Gupta.

Physical development stage

Physical growth through mid-puberty predicted increased rates of depression more than any other predictor, according to research published in The Journal of Affective Diseases.

when puberty begins

The date of onset of puberty can affect the prevalence of depression. Compared to kids who thought they were developing at the same rate as their peers, kids who are “early” or “late” may show more depressive symptoms, says Dr. Gupta.

stressful life events

“The complexity and demands of social interactions and academic work increase during puberty, which can be stressful. Stressful life situations make certain children more vulnerable to depression,” says the expert.

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Research shows that minor depression in children can often be successfully treated with support and careful management of symptoms. Treatment options for moderate to severe cases of puberty-related depression may include the use of antidepressants and psychotherapy, often in combination.

The following two forms of psychotherapy may be helpful in treating children and adolescents with major depressive disorder according to Dr. Gupta:

● CBT: The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to recognize and modify cognitive and behavioral patterns that are linked to recurrent depressive episodes.

● Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): This treatment style is concerned with acknowledging and resolving relationship difficulties. Symptoms of depression can be exacerbated by poor connections or the termination of crucial ties (such as a breakup or divorce between parents).

● Antidepressants should be used with caution and under close supervision in children and adolescents as they increase the risk of suicide. Education is crucial in helping teens and their loved ones recognize the risks and telltale signs of suicidal ideation.

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