It is easy to make porridge laddu at home, follow easy steps

Daliya Laddu Recipe: Till now you must have eaten laddoos made of many things, but today we are going to tell you about Daliya laddus full of taste..It is as tasty as it is healthy. It works like a panacea in removing stomach problems. Eating porridge keeps the stomach clean. Fiber is also found in oatmeal laddu. This improves digestion and the body gets nutrients in many ways. Let’s know how Dalia Ladoo is made. What is the easy recipe to make it at home (Daliya Laddu Recipe)…

What are the things needed to make Oatmeal Ladoo

Wheat porridge – 2 cups

Jaggery – 1 cup

Mawa – 1 cup

Cashew – 10 pieces

Almonds – 10 pieces

Coconut Bura – 1 cup

Cardamom powder – half tsp

Desi ghee – 2 to 3 tbsp

Simple recipe to make Daliya Ladoo

1. First of all, take a pan and put it on the flame and put desi ghee in it and heat it on medium flame.

2. When the ghee starts melting, put the porridge in it and slow down the flame.

3. Now stir the porridge well with the help of a ladle.

4. When the porridge starts to smell and its color turns golden brown, then turn off the flame.

5. After this, take out the roasted porridge in a utensil and keep it. Heat the pan once again.

6. Crush the jaggery well and put it in the pan.

7. When the jaggery starts melting, add mawa and coconut powder to it, mix well and roast it by stirring it with a ladle.

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8. Finely chop the cashew-almonds and put them in the pan and mix them well.

9. When the whole mixture is roasted well, then turn off the gas and take it out in a vessel.

10. Now add roasted oatmeal in this mixture and mix everything well with hands.

11. After this, take this mixture little by little in your hands and tie it like a laddu and keep it in a plate.

12. Your Oatmeal Ladoo is ready. Feed it to everyone and make their heart happy.

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