Keto diet vs low carb: what’s the difference?

Ketogenic vs Low Carb Diet: What’s the Difference and Which is Better? Although both diets involve reducing carbohydrates and can help with weight loss, the ketogenic diet (short for keto) is a much more restrictive way of eating and involves limiting carbohydrate intake and eating a lot of fat, with moderate protein.

“Keto means the body has gone into ketosis and is using fat instead of glucose for fuel,” says diet expert Heidi Normanton, founder of Keto. hello. “Meanwhile, low-carb diets limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially the simple and refined ones found in sugary foods, pasta and bread. Reducing carbs helps regulate blood sugar, but it doesn’t produce ketosis, so the body will first use stored glucose for energy and then turn to fat for fuel.”

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