Kidney Stones: These 5 Habits Can Lower Risk of Renal Damage in Summer Season

Kidney stones are a growing health problem. This is how you can prevent the appearance of kidney problems amid rising temperatures.

Kidney stones: these 5 habits can reduce the risk of kidney damage in the summer season (Freepik)

The bean-shaped organs, the kidneys, are one of the most important parts responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body. It also helps regulate insulin levels, maintain electrolyte balance, and remove excess water from the blood. It also helps release hormones necessary for blood pressure control, bone health, etc. However, in today’s sedentary lifestyle, processed foods, fried foods, junk foods, etc. They put pressure on the kidneys. Kidney stones are small particles that can make life miserable. The formation of mineral deposits inside can cause excruciating pain. During treatment there is a tendency to increase the risk of stone formation. Dehydration is one of the main causes of mineral crystallization in urine. These small pebbles can become an obstruction during excretion from the body, while some simple ones pass out automatically without much discomfort. According to research, lack of water intake in the hot summer months can cause this.

Below are some basic lifestyle habits that you should be very careful with to prevent the formation of kidney stones in the summer season.


  1. Hydration: This is a universal golden rule to keep the body fit and healthy. When there is sufficient water or fluid intake, the kidneys find it easier to eliminate all the extra toxins and wastes, which reduces the formation of kidney stones.
  2. Avoid dehydrating drinks: Drinks like alcohol or drinks with too much caffeine tend to dehydrate the body faster. These should be consumed in moderation and mostly avoided, especially in the summer months.
  3. High sodium diet: Experts mainly recommend a fast diet high in sodium, which leads to the formation of minerals and stones.
  4. Reduce processed foods: Processed foods often contain additives and preservatives that can increase the risk of kidney stones. These additives can alter the composition of urine, making it more prone to stone formation. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
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