Know what is heart attack and how to keep yourself safe

Heart Health Tips: Many people also died due to heart attack during the Corona period. Many big celebrities also died recently due to heart attack. Some got a heart attack while exercising in the gym, some got a heart attack while singing songs in a concert, and some got a heart attack while doing daily chores. Changing lifestyle is said to be the biggest reason for this. Actually our heart i.e. heart is considered to be one of the most special parts of our body. Whenever any problem starts in our heart, then many kinds of problems happen. Due to this, problems like blood pressure, blood sugar level, and sudden increase in cholesterol can also occur. With the passage of time, the risk of heart attack also increases. People often feel something like a heart attack. Therefore, the question often arises among people that how many times a person can have a heart attack in his whole life? Before this, know the complete information about heart attack …

Heart Attack

When the flow of blood in our heart decreases or there is any kind of blockage in it, then a heart attack comes. It is also called a heart attack. Due to increased fat or cholesterol in the arteries, there can be an obstruction in the flow of blood. There are also cases of death of many people due to heart attack. Therefore, as soon as you feel any symptoms of a heart attack, contact a doctor immediately.

Heart Attack Symptoms

According to many expert doctors, before a heart attack comes, our body gives many signals, in which the biggest sign is chest pain. Some special symptoms of heart attack are given below.

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chest pain

tooth or jaw pain

having trouble breathing

heavy sweating

gas formation

feeling dizzy

feeling restless

feeling nauseous and vomiting

How many times can a heart attack come?

According to cardiologists, usually a person can get a heart attack more than three times. It can strike people of any age, but men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 are at higher risk of having a heart attack.

ways to prevent heart attack

1. Keep the weight under control.

2. Do not consume smoking, alcohol etc.

3. To keep your heart healthy, one should stay away from food containing sugar, salt, and fat.

4. Fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet.

5. Exercise and yoga must be done daily.

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