Know who are those 5 people who should be seen by a doctor before doing yoga

Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is very beneficial not only for our body but also for our mind and soul, so everyone is advised to do yoga. But do you know that there are some situations in which you have to consult experts before doing yoga, otherwise your situation may get worse. If you are also going through these conditions, then definitely read this news and consult your doctor before doing yoga.

pregnant woman

Doing yoga during pregnancy is very beneficial, but before doing any yoga, you need to consult your doctor very much, because sometimes some difficult yoga can have a bad effect on the health of the child and the mother.

person with pre-existing diseases

If you have any chronic disease like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis or any other disease, then before doing yoga, take the advice of your doctor and do some special yoga on his advice.

high blood pressure patients

By doing intense workout or power yoga, the blood of blood pressure patients starts pumping rapidly and blood pressure can increase, in such a situation, you can do some special yogasanas only on the suggestion of the doctor.

people recovering from injury or surgery

If you have recently had a surgery or are recovering from an injury, then before starting yoga, take the advice of your doctor or physician and start your yogasanas and movements only under their guidance.

old person

Yoga can be done by people of all ages, but people who are 60 years or more must consult their doctor once before doing yoga and they can suggest some special yogasanas and pranayama postures for you. Can, which you can do in routine.

  मेंटल हेल्थ सुधारनी है तो जमकर करें डांस, जानें कैसे करता है मदद

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