Listening To Sounds of Nature in Morning Helps Maintain Mental Health: Study

A little exposure to the sounds of nature can help maintain people’s mental health, a new study has revealed. For this study, data was collected from over 7,500 people as part of the BBC’s Forest 404 series. The BBC’s Forest 404 series is a podcast describing a world without nature. The study found that participants reported relief from stress and mental fatigue with the sound of birds.

Lead researcher Alex Smalley, from the University of Exeter, says: “Lockdown helped people rediscover the natural sounds around them. Our findings suggest that experiencing these experiences can be beneficial for both mental health and conservation behavior.” Adds Alex Smalley: “If we hope to reap the health benefits of nature in the future, we need to ensure that everyone today has access to opportunities to foster positive experiences with the natural world. He also said therapeutic effects have been reported from listening to landscape sounds such as waves or rain.

Kamna Chibber, Head, Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, spoke to HealthShots about how the sounds of nature help with mental health. According to her, nature has a significant positive impact on people’s mental health and well-being. It’s not just about being close to nature; it’s also about the quality of the natural environment, and for anyone who can spend time outdoors in the midst of nature, listening to the sounds of nature, whether it’s the rustling of leaves on the trees, the chirping of birds or the sounds of animals, tends to improve your mood. welfare.

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When you are in the middle of nature, it is well known that this brings about feelings of happiness and joy, especially for people who prefer to be outdoors and in that environment.

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