Londoners warned to limit outdoor exercise amid pollution alert


Airstrips were warned to limit their outdoor exercise on Friday, when pollution levels skyrocket across much of the capital.

The Government UK Air website is forecasting a rare episode of “very high” pollution rated ten out of ten for potential damage, the first such incident since March 2018.

It is caused by trapping slow, cold air traffic and other emissions that are normally dispersed by the wind.

According to the official government health council, people with lung or heart problems should avoid strenuous physical activity, while healthy people should “reduce physical exertion, especially outdoors” until the dirty air clears on Saturday.

Simon Birkett, founder of the Clean Air in London campaign group, said Thursday: “There are significant risks to people’s health, you don’t want to be rushing home from work tomorrow.”

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs map shows the area of ​​greatest pollution located in central London, from Hammersmith in the west to Docklands in the east. Air quality outside London is forecast to be primarily nine or eight, which is still classified as “high”.

The warning comes days after Transport for London released a report showing how levels of private car use remained near pre-pandemic levels last year, while the number of riders on greener Subways and buses collapsed.


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