Mental health: Do you think a windfall will buy you peace of mind? Lottery winner Kerala autorickshaw driver begs to differ, tips to manage stress well

Like diet and exercise, sleep is an important component of your lifestyle, and when you don’t sleep well or get enough of it, it can make your stress and anxiety worse.

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New Delhi: An autorickshaw driver from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala he won Rs 25 crore in this year’s Onam lottery. the man called anoop he was declared the winner a week ago and after tax deductions he will receive an amount of Rs 15 million. However, in a recent interview with IANS, Anoop says that he has lost all cool. People have started following him everywhere asking him to help them with the prize money.

Anoop said, “I have lost all peace of mind and can’t even reside in my own house because I am besieged by people who come calling me asking me to solve various of their needs since I won first prize. Now I keep changing places where I stay, since I have lost all the tranquility that I enjoyed until I won the prize”.

di financialstress it is one of the main causes of stress and therefore it is extremely important that you take good care of your finances. When your finances are poorly managed, stress can take a toll on your mental health. Physical health also plays an important role in the mental health of an individual and therefore it is extremely important that he is healthy and fit. Here are some tips to take care of your mental health and manage your stress well.
  1. Follow a healthy diet: When you eat a healthy diet that has essential nutrients present, the chances of nutrient deficiency are reduced, which eventually works to keep stress at bay.
  2. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help manage stress. Additionally, exercising regularly can also help if you suffer from anxiety and depression.
  3. Control your screen time: Using your phone too much can affect your mental health. Additionally, exposure to blue light later in the day can affect your sleep, and not sleeping well can negatively affect your mental health.
  4. Sleep well: Like diet and exercise, sleep is an important component of your lifestyle, and when you don’t sleep well or get enough of it, it can make your stress and anxiety worse.
  5. Spend time with your friends and family.: Spending time with friends and family can help relieve stress, and research indicates that people who have good relationships are likely to live longer, happier lives.
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Disclaimer: The hints and tips mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.


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