Mental health tips: 5 tips to boost self-acceptance

Like any other ability, self-acceptance is something we build over time in all areas: personal, professional, academic, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, etc. For example, if we are not at our ideal weight, are you embarrassed? Do you honor and accept your body as it is, even if you are working towards a healthier body? If you relationship with god it is weak and not where you want it to be, do you feel ashamed and condemn yourself to hell, or do you give up and accept that your spirituality is a work in progress and that is ok? Do you accept that you are not married at a certain age or are you ashamed of not having a partner? Oneself acceptance is the key to a happier life and to improving your overall well-being. (Also read: Yoga Asanas for Self-Acceptance: Experts Share Tips )

Popular psychologist Dr. Ketam Hamdan suggested five things to do to boost self-acceptance in her recent Instagram post.

1. Forgive yourself: The first step in self-acceptance is showing compassion for yourself, which is accepting your humanity and imperfections. Talk to yourself as you would to a friend. Think of your past self as a different person, what you can change right now about yourself in the present. Look at all areas of life mental, spiritual, emotional, relational, physical. What part or parts do you need to forgive and show self-compassion? Do you forgive yourself for not having a perfect body, do you forgive your mistakes, expectations, etc.

2. Mindfulness: Much of our negative self-talk happens in our subconscious, which means that most of us are not even aware of our negative self-talk. Try to quiet your mind and listen or notice your inner thoughts and feelings. What makes you anxious? What are you ashamed of? In what parts of yourself? Which ones do you try to avoid thinking about? Try to quiet your mind and listen or notice your inner thoughts and feelings.

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3. Inner Critic: Another way to help build acceptance for yourself is to notice your inner critic, which is that inner voice that constantly tells you that you’re not good enough and sets expectations. It tells you that you are ugly, a loser, etc.

4. Strengths: Write down your 3 strengths and water those. The energy goes where the attention is. This does not mean that you do not grow, it means that you focus more on what is right, instead of what is wrong and accept yourself.

5. Stop comparing yourself: One of the reasons self-acceptance is challenging is because we constantly compare ourselves to others. When you stop comparing yourself to others, you start looking inward. External validation matters less and you feel better about your own.

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