Mental tricks to fall asleep quickly if you are suffering from Insomnia

Do you spend more time trying to fall asleep than sleeping? You are not the only one who feels this way.

Even trying too hard can start (or maintain) a cycle of tense, distressing energy in our minds that keeps us awake.

And it’s really hard for your body to follow your mind if you can’t sleep. However, there are scientific methods to flip the switch and guide your body into a safe shutdown phase.

We will review some tips to fall asleep quickly.

-A magic spell is usually required to fall asleep quickly and on time, but with practice, you can eventually reach the sweet spot of 10 seconds, just like spells.

-With practice, this breathing approach becomes more powerful by combining the skills of meditation and visualization. If you have a respiratory illness like asthma or COPD, talk to your doctor before you start, as it could make your symptoms worse. Place the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, behind the two front teeth, to prepare. Keep your tongue in place at all times and purse your lips if necessary.

– Progressive muscle relaxation, often known as deep muscle relaxation, is a technique for relaxing muscles. The idea is to tense, but not too much, the muscles and then relax them to let go of the stress. This movement brings calm to your whole body. It is a tried and true method to overcome insomnia. Try practicing the 4-7-8 approach before you begin, visualizing the tension leaving your body as you exhale.

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– Try to use your imagination instead of counting if counting takes up too much of your mind. Some people believe that imagining something can make it come true, and this probably applies to sleep as well.

– There is not enough evidence to say if acupressure is effective or not. However, current evidence is encouraging. One technique is to focus on the tense areas that you recognize and feel, such as the upper half of the bridge of the nose or the temples.


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