Michael Mosley: Increase intake of one food type to lose weight – ‘it’s really important’

Dr. Michael Mosley often shares his weight loss tips with slimmers online and on TV. He is the creator of the fast 800 – a diet plan that helps people lose weight quickly.

In addition to following The Fast 800 diet, Dr. Mosley has shared other ways for slimmers to lose weight.

The doctor has five easy steps to make it easier for beginners to start incorporating healthier choices into their lives.

One of them is to increase the amount of protein they eat.

This type of food is “really important” for several reasons, according to Dr. Mosley.

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The doctor said: “It is very important to have a decent amount of protein, which is 50 to 70 grams per day.

“You can get protein mainly from meat or fish, and you can also get it from legumes, but you have to eat a lot more, so following The Fast 800 on a vegetarian diet is more challenging.

“We have meal replacement shakes that are very high in protein, and we also aim to produce protein boosters to help people who might otherwise struggle.

“The reason for protein is that you need it for your muscle.


“You need it for all kinds of essential metabolic processes.

“And also because when you consume it, your body digests it more slowly, so you don’t get the same kind of spikes.”

Another simple tip is to avoid starting a weight loss journey alone.

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Dr. Mosley continued, “There is a lot of research and evidence to support the idea that if you want to lose weight, it’s very, very important that you have the support of your friends, your family, or some other larger community.

“The temptation is to eat cheese and crackers late into the night.

“While the idea that cheese will give you nightmares is a complete and utter myth, it’s obviously going to be kind of a high-calorie, late-night laden.”

Intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone, but if dieters are going to incorporate it into their lives, Dr. Mosley recommended “starting slowly.”

He said: “If you’re planning on trying intermittent fasting, I’d normally recommend doing it more gradually.

“So, start by eating your food within 12 hours and fasting the rest of the time, and then continue with a 10-hour eating window.”

In closing, Dr. Mosley advised “maintain a healthy snack.”

He explained: “The best way to prevent hunger when you’re intermittent fasting is to use something like a meal replacement shake.

“Follow The Fast 800 program, because it has been carefully calibrated to ensure that it provides you with the maximum nutrients and the maximum amount of fiber and protein.

“The reason people are hungry is because they’ve eaten something that’s very high in sugar or carbohydrates, so they have a massive spike in their blood sugar levels and then they crash and then they’re hungry.”

The doctor added: “I think if you’re eating something that has a lot of fiber and a lot of nutrients, I’m not really hungry.”

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