No one gets angry like this, these hormones are responsible

Anger Hormone: Getting angry is a normal thing. People who are often calm also sometimes get angry. But getting angry again and again is a problem. Many times we see that people do not control themselves in anger.

Sometimes people do something in a momentary anger that they regret later. But have you ever wondered what is the biological reason for getting angry? During this time of anger, what kind of changes happen in our body and mind. In this article, we will give you information about this-

This hormone is responsible

If we talk about the hormone responsible for anger, then the ‘serotonin hormone’ is responsible for this. People get more angry due to lack of serotonin. Its deficiency can be overcome with healthy food. You will find it interesting to know that in addition to anger in our body, emotions like love, happiness, emotion are all controlled by hormones.

What is the effect of anger-

Anger negatively affects our body and mind. Due to this the mind starts to remain restless. Blood pressure, fast heartbeat start due to anger. When angry, the amount of oxygen in the body also decreases.

How to control anger

The best way to control anger is to immediately calm down and go somewhere alone. When you are angry, it is better to divert your attention from what is causing you anger. The effect of food also affects anger, so do not consume intoxicants. You can reduce your anger problem by eating fruits, juices, nutritious food.

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You can take the advice of a doctor-

If you get angry over small things then it is a big problem. You can take the advice of a psychiatrist to deal with it. During this, it is important that you openly tell the doctor about the habit of your anger without any hesitation.

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