Not only during fasting… Include Rajgira in normal diet also, you get these 5 benefits

Rajgira Benefits: Rajgira i.e. amaranth is used a lot during Navratri fast. Many dishes are made from it. Like laddu, chikki, halwa, etc… But the use of Rajgira is not limited to dishes only, but it also has many benefits for health. Talking about the nutrients of Rajgira, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, fiber, protein and zinc are found in plenty in it. Being full of nutrition, Rajgira works to provide many benefits to the body. Let’s know about the benefits of this

protein- To consume protein, people mostly depend on meat and fish. But you can also meet the deficiency of protein by consuming Rajgira. It is a good source of protein, which is known to repair body cells and make new cells. Rajgira can be included as a better alternative to protein.

strengthen the bones Calcium is responsible for the strength of the bones. Rajgira is rich in calcium, which can help in strengthening the bones. Its consumption not only strengthens the bones but also helps in making the teeth strong.

Increase immunity-You can also consume Rajgira to increase immunity. Zinc is found in Rajgira, which can work to enhance the immune system. Apart from this, the amount of Vitamin A is found in Rajgira. Vitamin A can also boost immunity.

control the weightRajgira can also be consumed to control weight. Because it contains fiber content. Fiber can work to control weight along with strengthening the digestive system. Actually, when you eat fiber-rich food, your stomach remains full for a long time. This prevents you from eating extra.

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Beneficial for the eyes- Rajgira can also benefit in problems related to the eyes that occur with increasing age. Actually, Vitamin A is found in it which is very useful for the health of the eyes. If the eyesight is working, then you start consuming amaranth.

Strengthen hair Consuming Rajgira regularly can provide relief in the problem of hair loss. Actually it contains lysine which makes your hair thick and strong, it also contains cystine which keeps hair healthy.

Lower cholesterol Rajgira seeds contain phytosterol which is helpful in reducing cholesterol level. It also manages the sugar level in the body. Also helps in controlling BP. Overall, it also reduces the risk of heart diseases.

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