Nutrition For Women: Poshan to Portion, 6 Nutrients Every Woman Should Include In Her Diet

Nutrition in women is one of the most neglected aspects when it comes to women’s health. Do you keep track of the foods she is eating and in what portions? Not really, right? While many of us

Nutrition in women is one of the most neglected aspects when it comes to women’s health. Do you keep track of the foods she is eating and in what portions? Not really, right? Although many of us are guilty of this, we must be more careful and aware of our consumption. According to a UNICEF report, Undernourished and Overlooked: A Global Nutrition Crisis for Women and Adolescent Girls report published on March 7, 2023, “More than a billion girls and adolescent women in the world suffer from malnutrition, nutrient deficiencies or anemia, while rates of acute malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women are increasing rapidly”, further highlights how women’s right to nutrition it has been overlooked and underappreciated for far too long. .

Why do we have to talk about nutrition in women?

The UNICEF report published that “malnutrition weakens the immunity of adolescent girls and women to infections and increases the risk of life-threatening complications, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth.” increased deficiency of vitamins and other essential nutrients during pregnancy may increase
Lack of essential vitamins and other nutrients before and during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth or premature delivery and can lead to life-threatening conditions such as high blood pressure and severe anemia.

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The situation of women all over the world and even in India is bad. According to the NFHS 5 report, more than 50% of women are anemic, nearly a third are malnourished, and a quarter are overweight or obese. There is also a sharp increase in the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer among both urban and rural women.

According to Meghana Pasi, nutritionist at MyThali, Arogya World, our gender, age, and lifestyle determine our nutrient requirements. To meet these requirements, women must know what to eat (poshan) and how much to eat (portion). Once they learn to strike a balance between poshan and serving, their nutritional status will improve and their risk of chronic disease will be reduced.

A balanced meal is one that includes foods from the 5 food groups:

  • Cereals/Grains/Millet
  • Pulses/Dals/Leguminous/Egg/Meat/Fish
  • Milk/Dairy Products
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Fats and oils

These food groups eaten in optimal amounts will ensure that you get all the essential nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber to keep you mentally and physically healthy.

  1. Carbohydrates: These are energy foods, also known as “GO” foods (cereals/grains/millet, legumes/dals, root vegetables, and fruits). Fill only a quarter of your plate with carbohydrates.
  2. Legumes, beans, legumes, dals, soybeans, eggs, meat, and fish are rich sources of protein. These foods are also known as “GROW” foods. Include a katori of any protein source with each meal (2-3 servings/day).
  3. Vegetables and Fruits: These are known as “GLOW” foods. Green vegetables and fruits are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, protect against cancer, and chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Eat at least 3-4 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit throughout the day.
  4. Milk and Dairy Products: Have milk in any form like tea/coffee/milk shake/cereals at breakfast and morning snack or as curds/buttermilk/paneer at lunch and dinner. Take 3 servings of any of these throughout the day.
  5. Fats and oils: Fats are necessary for cell formation, protection of organs from damage, and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Limit your intake of saturated fats found in butter, beef, pork, cheese and coconut oil. eat vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, and fish that are good for your heart. Do not take more than 3 teaspoons of oil and 1 teaspoon of ghee/butter during the day.
  6. It also includes foods rich in Calcium and Vitamin D such as: Almonds, green leafy vegetables, figs, fatty fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
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By following this simple rule of thumb of portioning out your food groups, you can achieve the perfect balance with your Poshan!

Release Date: Apr 7, 2023 4:23pm IST

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