One in 16 women and one in 25 men are obese, all of them can be saved if they become slim-trim

The simple meaning of obesity is overweight, but today we will tell you what it means according to the ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO). If you understand obesity or obesity in simple words, then it clearly means accumulation of bad fat on the body. Which can prove to be dangerous for health. If your body’s BMI is more than 25 i.e. Body Mass Index (BMI) then it means that your weight has increased. Those whose BMI is more than 30 are considered obese.

According to the Global Burden of Disease, in 2017, more than 4 million people died every year due to overweight or obesity. Rates of overweight and obesity among young people and children are on the rise. From 1975 to 2016, the number of children and adolescents aged 5-19 who are overweight or obese increased more than four-fold from 4 to 18 percent globally. Recently a report has come in which it has been told that one in 16 women and one in 25 men are falling prey to obesity.

India will spend this much amount to reduce obesity by the year 2035

According to the ‘World Obesity Federation’, a co-partner of the ‘World Health Organization’, by the year 2035, Rs 69, 093 crore will have to be spent for health care related to obesity in India. This figure shows that in the coming time the number of obese people is going to increase rapidly in India.

number of obese people in india

About one in 16 women. One in 25 people in India is obese

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Obesity is making people of this age their prey

Among people aged 15 to 49, about 6.4 percent of women and 4.0 percent of men are obese. This means that almost a quarter of young women in India are overweight and a little over a fifth of men are underweight. is more.

Who is fat?

If a person’s body mass index (BMI) is above 30, then he is considered obese.

BMI is the ratio of a person’s weight to his height which is measured in kilograms per meter squared of height.

Do people with money get fatter

Especially in India, such a mentality has developed that people with money are more fat. Money and obesity are considered to be companions of each other. It has also been seen that money-rich women suffer more from obesity. An average of 12.6 per cent women (or one in eight) of the rich in India were found to be obese. And the rate of obesity among men was 8 percent.

The number of obese people is highest in this state

Punjab has the highest number of obese people. 25 percent women and 28.8 percent men told that they definitely eat fried food once a week.

AIIMS will be ready in the amount of money it takes to get rid of obesity

The cost of building an AIIMS would have been Rs. 1,264 crores in 2020. As much money will be spent to reduce obesity, 55 AIIMS can be built.

health budget of india
India year 2023Will spend Rs 89,155 crore on health department till 24th. At the same time, 77 percent of the budget will be spent on the health care cost of obesity in India and to eliminate it from the country.

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Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index ( BMI )

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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