Peanuts are not eaten for timepass, they have many great benefits, know

As soon as the winter season arrives, peanuts start selling in abundance in the market. Whether you are traveling in a bus while going to work or going to your native village by train, you will definitely find someone or the other who is eating peanuts next to you. Or it is eaten to cut the journey, although the truth is something else. Actually, plenty of protein and vitamins are found in peanuts, which provide many benefits to our body. Peanut contains an antioxidant called polyphenol which is also helpful in reducing weight.

How many peanuts is ok to eat in a day?

Peanut is not less than any medicine in winter. Many people also call peanuts as cheap almonds because it contains as many nutrients as almonds. A healthy person can eat 40 grams i.e. about a handful of peanuts in a day. This can reduce the label of both fat and cholesterol. Let us know what are the benefits of eating peanuts in the winter season.


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Peanuts are rich in vitamins and proteins, one of which is vitamin E. Vitamin E controls the temperature of the body and keeps us warm from inside.

2- Acidity starts due to eating bay-time food in winter. In this case, soak a handful of peanuts every night and eat them after waking up in the morning. It reduces the problem of acidity

3-People suffering from type two diabetes can consume peanuts. Peanuts reduce the risk of diabetes

4- Due to dry air in winter, our skin starts getting dry. In such a situation, the skin can be protected from dryness by consuming peanuts.

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bones are strong

Magnesium, vitamin E and fiber are found in peanuts which strengthen bones in cold. The natural fat found in it is also considered good for health, skin and hair.

keep this in mind

Never drink water after consuming peanuts. Also, milk, ice cream and sour fruits should not be consumed after eating it. If you have any health related problem, then take the advice of a doctor before consuming peanuts.

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