People troubled by constipation are unable to get fresh? So keep these things in mind

Constipation And Poop: How many times a day you go to the toilet or how many times you go once a day, this process is different from person to person. Although most people go to the toilet once every day, some people go twice a day. At the same time, some people go even once in two-three days. People who always go for defecation once in two-three days, their body is very comfortable about it. But those who go every day and suddenly they do not have a bowel movement for a day or two, then both their body and mind start getting disturbed. What to do in this situation, it is being told in this article…

Follow these ways to get fresh fast

  • Hydration is the most important thing to avoid constipation and to fix it when it occurs. Take a liquid diet as much as you can and take a diet that has more fiber. Because both these things do not allow the stool to accumulate inside the intestines. Keep in mind that the liquid that is being recommended for constipation does not include drinks like coke and soda. These drinks increase dryness in the body. So avoid consuming them.
  • Make sure to use ghee in the food. You may be surprised, but in our country, the practice of eating desi ghee in the food is very beneficial for the stomach. You must eat a little bit of desi ghee every day with the first core of the meal. By doing this, this ghee goes inside and makes a layer of natural lubricant in the intestines, due to which neither constipation nor food sticks in the intestines. Ghee should be pure, so it is better that you make it at home.
  • Drinking lukewarm milk is also very helpful in cleaning the stomach. Before sleeping at night, drink a glass of warm milk mixed with two spoons of isabgol. After that walk for a while and then go to sleep. Your stomach will be cleaned quickly and easily.
  • In case of constipation, walk should be done more and exercise must be done. Due to this, the flexibility increases in the body and the internal muscles get stronger. Due to which the dirt and toxins stored inside the body come out quickly in the form of defecation and sweat.

In this case, take the help of a doctor
If it has been more than a week since you have gone to the toilet and all the remedies are failing, then you should not delay any longer but see a doctor immediately. They will give you medicines to ease the motion keeping in mind your lifestyle and needs.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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