Prepare like a pro

Many students are facing the challenge of studying for Board exams during the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to be fit both physically and mentally. Here are some tips:

Prepare a goal card

An effective way to achieve a goal is to ‘Begin with the end in mind’. Preparing a goal card wires your brain in the desired direction. Read your goal card and visualize yourself achieving your desired result. This will begin to program your mind to take corrective action in your studies.

Design an effective study plan

Review the syllabus and divide the subjects based on categories such as memory-dependent, problem-solving assessment, and performance-based subjects. Include a combination of these categories in your daily schedule. Analyze your performance daily and keep a journal to track progress. This will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Take effective breaks

Enjoy the preparation process. Schedule your breaks so you can pursue a hobby in addition to studying. Research says that your productivity increases when you do something you enjoy every day. Set aside 30 minutes a day to dance, write, sing, play an instrument, or do something that doesn’t involve studying or the screen. Let your mind relax and detox at your leisure. This will increase energy levels.

Practice Focused Study

Make sure all distractions are kept aside while you study. Limit browsing on social media platforms and set a timer for using the phone. As you study, practice the SQ5R learning model, which includes survey, question, read, record, recite, review, and reflect. Use techniques like flash cards, flow charts, and diagrams. Work through the above papers and get used to the pattern. Focus on building basic concepts and practice your application.

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Prioritize fitness

Many students make the mistake of studying for many hours. Prioritize physical and mental health. Meditation is an effective means of increasing concentration and memory. Also, regular exercise, a healthy diet, enough water, and laughter can improve your mood and help you learn better.

Sleep well

Sleep is an effective tool to increase memory. Make sure your body and mind are relaxed before bed. When your mind is relaxed, it can consume and retain more information.

Positive mentality

Stress affects productivity. Focus on developing your strengths. Do not be so hard on yourself. Break down difficult study areas and be easy on yourself as you learn them.

The writer is the Founder, Tutrrd.


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