Raisins for Weight Loss | Quick weight loss with kismis

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Eating raisins helps in controlling the craving for junk and processed food. Eating raisins releases a chemical in your brain which can reduce any kind of craving.

The most difficult thing in the path of weight loss is when we try to control our cravings. During this, we have a craving to eat outside junk food and unhealthy things. You can try to eat healthy throughout the day, but when afternoon hunger bothers you, then this time the craving is the most.

You can include such a thing in your diet that after eating you will not have the craving to eat unhealthy things. Even if you don’t believe but eating raisins helps in controlling the craving for junk and processed food. Eating raisins releases a chemical in your brain which can reduce any kind of craving.

Read on to learn more about the how to use raisins for weight loss fast!

What are raisins?

It is no exaggeration to say that raisins in dry fruits are unknown, raisins contain many nutrients. Raisins have more nutrients than all other types of dries. Many people ignore them without knowing their nutritional value. Knowing the health benefits of these is a must include in a regular diet.

Raisins are high in iron, potassium, magnesium and fiber. Hence they are very good for health. There are also different varieties of kismis. They come in a variety of colors including golden, green and black. They are widely used in a variety of dishes. Not only that, some health tonics also use raisins. However, raisins are high in calories. So it is better to take these in moderation.

Nutrition Information raisins nutrition for weight loss

A quarter cup of raisins include:

raisins nutrition facts

  • Calories: 108
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 29 g
  • Fiber: 1 g
  • Sugar: 21 g

What are the different types of Raisins?

Most raisins are made from a variety of grapes such as Thompson Seedless, Flame Seedless, Sultana, Muscat and Black Corinth. They have many different varieties such as:

  • black raisins
  • currants
  • sultanas
  • Red Raisins
  • Green Raisins
  • Golden Raisins
  • Kashmiri Raisins
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How are raisins prepared?

Raisins are made by dehydrating harvested grape berries on a commercial scale. Methods of dehydration are shade drying, mechanical drying and sun drying.

How eating raisins reduces cravings?

Raisins are low in calories and rich in nutrients which make a great mid-day snack. It contains natural sugar and leptin which helps in reducing appetite. Eating raisins keeps your stomach full for a long time. Apart from this, leptin helps in burning fat cells with the help of thermogenesis process. It contains neurotransmitters known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which reduce appetite. Also slows down the digestive system. This reduces stress which plays an important role in increasing cravings.

Do raisins make you gain weight? How Do Raisins Help in Weight Loss?

Experts believe that raisins can be quite beneficial for those wanting to lose weight. Raisins contain good amounts of calories and natural sugars, which can satisfy long-term hunger and mid-food cravings. This results in less food intake and less calorie intake in return! Studies also confirm that people who consume raisins regularly have a 39% lower risk of obesity and 54% lower risk of metabolic syndrome.(*)

How to consume Raisins for Weight Loss?

Eat raisins like this

First of all take a raisin and watch it carefully and then smell it. When you do this, pay attention to how your body reacts to it, such as a watery mouth or a growling stomach. Then place the raisin on your tongue and swish it around your mouth, feeling its texture and taste. Taking care of its taste, start chewing it slowly.

In about five minutes, you will not feel hungry or will not feel like eating junk food. It controls your body that you do not have to eat any unhealthy thing. This is an effective method. It is believed in many studies that by smelling things, cravings can be less and more.


  • Raisin water for weight loss: Raisin water is another way to lose weight and hydrate your body at the same time. You can boil 150 grams of raisins in 2 cups of water. Let it cool down and drink.
  • You can also sprinkle a handful of raisins in your salad for some sweet and pungent taste.
  • Include a handful of raisins on your breakfast plate to feel energetic in the morning.
  • Replace the sugar with a handful of soaked raisins in the post-workout smoothie. It can not only sweeten your drink but also make it incredibly healthy.

How Many Raisins Should I Eat Per Day To Lose Weight?

Daily doses of raisins may vary with the person’s age, current weight and health conditions. Women can have about 1 small cup of raisins (15-20 fruits) while men can take up to 1.5 cups per day as a safe limit. If you’ve never eaten these dried fruits before, start with a handful and increase the volume as you go ahead!

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What is the best time to eat raisins (munakka)?

It is better to eat raisins with a glass of milk for breakfast in the morning. This is because raisins are high in calories and can give you a load of energy to start your day. They also contain a lot of antioxidants, micronutrients and vitamins that can help you start a good day without any problems.


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Raisins (kismis) Health Benefits

Increases digestion: Raisins are high in fiber. Great for improving digestion. Put `10 to 12 raisins in a glass of water and soak overnight. These can be pasted in a mixer and taken directly in the morning on an empty stomach to improve digestion.

Increases immunity: Raisins are high in nutrients. These can greatly help in raising the immunity level. Taking these regularly during the winter season can help fight bacteria and other infections.

Prevents Bad Breath: The anti-bacterial properties found in raisins are great at eliminating bad breath. Raisins are great for preventing bacteria that cause bad breath.

Very good for bone health: Raisins are high in calcium and micronutrients. These can go a long way in improving bone health.

Anemia: Raisins are high in iron content. Soaking them in water and taking them in the shower every morning will not cause anemia.

Lever: Raisins are great at preventing toxins in the body. Improves liver health.

Prevents Heart Disease: Raisins are high in fiber content as well as other nutrients. Controls cholesterol levels. Prevents Heart Disease.

Provides energy: Natural fructose in raisins increases energy levels. Adding raisins to your regular diet can reduce weakness. However should be taken only in limited quantities.

Improves Kidney Health: Including raisins in regular diet can help prevent kidney infection and kidney failure symptoms.

Improves eyesight: The antioxidants in raisins, Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, are great sources of all kinds of nutrients that can help improve eyesight.

Side Effects of Eating Raisins

  • Some people start allergic problems after eating 1 raisin. If you have eaten raisins for the first time and after eating it, there is any kind of skin rash, itching in the skin, then do not eat it again.
  • There may also be trouble in breathing due to excessive consumption of raisins (Kishmish). Diarrhea, vomiting, fever are also seen in many people by eating more raisins.
  • Eating more raisins can also cause gas problem.
  • If you have diabetes, then eat raisins less. This increases the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
  • Eating more raisins can increase calories in the body and increasing calories can also lead to weight gain. Due to weight gain, you can become a victim of many other diseases.
  • Raisins are high in triglycerides, which increase the chances of getting heart disease, fatty liver, liver cancer, diabetes to a great extent.
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are raisins bad for weight loss?

Some research suggests that raisins can help people lose weight or manage weight. However, they contain many calories per serving, so they should be consumed in small quantities to avoid unwanted weight gain.

are dried raisins good for weight loss?

Both jaggery and raisins are good for weight loss plans, but if you consume them more, it can lead to weight gain. So eat with restraint.

Are soaked raisins good for weight loss?

Soaked raisins maintain blood sugar levels, and do not give you extra calories. So, they eventually help in weight loss.

Are raisins good for pregnant women?

There is no definite evidence that raisins should not be consumed during pregnancy. They are rich in nutrients that can be very good for both mother and child.

Are raisins good for constipation?

Raisins are a safe and effective natural cure for constipation. Such easy-to-make and cheap snacks contain a large amount of fiber, which is essential for constipation relief and digestive power. This home remedy for children, pregnant women and the elderly works wonders in relieving stomach discomfort and constipation.

Can I eat Raisins in the keto diet?

In fact, no. Keto diet is a high fat low carb diet where you should reduce your daily carbohydrate intake by 5%, and raisins are high in carbs. They are also filled with fruit sugar, and the amount of sugar in dark colour is even higher. In the keto diet, you should eliminate your carb intake, including fruits – as they contain fructose content. You can use a small amount of stevia if you need a sweetness option.

are yogurt raisins good for weight loss?

Having yogurt with raisins helps in weight loss, controls cholesterol levels.

Are raisins and prunes the same?

Raisins, which are dried grapes, and prunes, which are dried plums, both provide a sweet taste as well as a variety of nutrients.

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