Raju: What happens after going into a coma, Raju Srivastava had gone through some such conditions

Raju Srivastav Health Update: The country’s famous comedian Raju Srivastav admitted to AIIMS in Delhi is recovering from some problem every day. The doctor’s team is treating his heart only. At the same time, the team of doctors believes that he will gradually recover. At the same time, news was coming about Raju that his brain had stopped working and he was unconscious. But according to the recent information, all the parts of his body are working properly and now he has also come to his senses. Here the question is being raised whether Raju was only unconscious or was in a coma. In the end, what does it mean to stop the work of the brain and what does it have to do with coma.

what happens in a coma
The word coma is heard in the medical term. Which means that a state in which a person closes his eyes and reaches an unconscious state and he is not in a position to respond to the sounds and movements of the surrounding environment. The patient remains alive in a coma and some brain activity will continue.

How long can it take for the patient to recover
If the injury is more sensitive to the patient, it may take time for him to come out of the coma. Sometimes even doctors are not able to confirm whether the patient can come out of the coma or not. It would not be wrong to call coma a deep unconsciousness. A patient’s brain stem response can occur in a coma. Breathing can go fast.

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result of coma
Three conditions can be observed in a coma. The patient may be on the verge of brain death, returning to a state of consciousness, or eventually into a prolonged depressed state of consciousness such as the vegetative state. In this state, the patient will feel awake but he remains insensitive to the surrounding environment. At the same time, the patient of coma is not even considered as the sum of organ donation.

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