‘Shocked at her injuries’: What to know before high intensity workouts. We try 5 of them

Renal medicine specialist Angeline Goh of Mount Elizabeth Hospital also cited the growing popularity of CrossFit and Spinning classes when she warned of the danger of rhabdomyolysis on the health and wellness web resource, Health Plus.

To the Angs, it was a condition previously unknown to them. And for many newcomers to these intensive workouts, it’s an example of the risks they need to be aware of before signing up.

To find out how intense these workouts can be and how to prepare for them, Talking Point host Steven Chia tested five different types: spinning, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), boxing, CrossFit, and a Spartan boot camp. .

He had only tried HIIT before, though he does go to the gym and play racquet sports, both once a week, to “break a sweat, but…not as intense.”

LOOK: Is high intensity training for me? Steven tests 5 workouts: Spin, HIIT, Boxfit, CrossFit and Spartan (13:57)


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