Sleeping in AC throughout the day can make you sick, the problem of pain increases

Side Effects Of Air Conditioner: Summer is at its peak. As soon as you leave the house, you get drenched with sweat. It is getting difficult to leave the house. In such a situation, some people keep AC running throughout the day to get relief from the heat. Staying in AC reduces the feeling of heat. As soon as you go to the AC, the sweat dries up immediately and there is relief from the heat. But do you know that staying in AC for a long time can harm your health. People who stay in AC for a long time, they feel more heat. Staying in AC makes the skin dry. Apart from this, there is a problem of pain in the hands and feet. Staying in AC increases pain and stiffness in the whole body. If you also stay in AC for a long time, then know its disadvantages.

1- The skin becomes dry- If you stay in AC for a long time, then the moisture of the skin starts disappearing and the skin becomes dry. Staying in AC for a long time makes the skin dry and lips also become dry.
2- Winter cold- People who stay in AC for a long time are more prone to get cold. Coming to AC out of sweat can spoil your health. Due to this, the problems of cold, cold increase. Running AC excessively at night causes a feeling of tightness in the throat in the morning.
3- Body hurts- People who stay in AC for a long time have to suffer from body pain. Sleeping in AC overnight causes problems like back pain, back pain, headache. When you wake up in the morning, there is stiffness in the body.
4- Pain in the joints- The problem of joint pain increases when sleeping in AC. The cold causes the muscles to contract and cause pain. People who have arthritis problem should not stay in AC for long time.

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