Sleeping with contact lenses can affect your eye health

Are Contact Lens Are Harmful For Eyes: People who are more serious about looks often prefer to wear lenses. Some people prefer to wear lenses instead of wearing number glasses. These days the discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses is going on fast. Actually this discussion is happening after a case has come. The case is of a young man living in Florida, USA. The one who slept with contact lenses in the night, in the morning he started to see a lot less. After knowing some such incidents, it is necessary to know the correct way of applying contact lenses. So that any kind of problem related to the eyes can be avoided.

Disadvantages of wearing contact lenses while sleeping

Sleeping with contact lenses increases the risk of serious infection of the cornea of ​​the eyes. The treatment of such infection is also not very easy.

There have also been some such infection notices which are so dangerous that even the vision stops.

Who should not wear contact lenses

Contact lenses should be applied only to those who can take care of it properly.

People who have complaints of dryness in their eyes, they should not wear contact lenses.

People who work by looking at the screen for too long. They should also prefer glasses over contact lenses.

Those who have any allergy in the eyes or are at risk of early infection, they should also not wear contact lenses.

keep these things in mind

  • It is very important to keep some things in mind while applying contact lenses.
  • Keep in mind that just washing the contact lens with water is not enough. The lens should be cleaned with its solution only.
  • Never wear contact lenses for more than 6 to 8 hours. This can also increase the chances of allergy or infection.
  • Not only the lens, but also the case in which it is kept should be cleaned.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses while sleeping or taking a bath.
  • Contact lenses should be worn only after consulting a doctor.
  • Use only good quality contact lenses.

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