Spinach and fenugreek are both very beneficial, but whose benefits are more

Health Advice: As the weather changes, the lifestyle of the people starts changing. The special thing about winter is that in this season there are many green leafy vegetables which you can include in your diet. Plenty of minerals, vitamins and fiber are found in abundance in these green vegetables. Apart from this, you must have seen that people like to eat spinach and fenugreek in this season. Spinach and fenugreek both have different benefits. But if still the question was asked that which green leafy vegetable in spinach and fenugreek is more beneficial for health, then the answer to your question will be found in this news of ours.

Nutrients in Spinach

Whenever someone is deficient in iron, it is advised to eat spinach, because spinach is rich in iron. Spinach is also rich in fiber and anti-oxidants. Not only this, many minerals and vitamins like calcium, vitamin A, vitamin K are found in spinach, which become very beneficial for health. The nutrients present in spinach help in keeping your eyes healthy, while it is also helpful in keeping away problems like constipation and cancer.

Nutrients in Fenugreek

Fenugreek rich in vitamins and minerals, the calorie count is very low. Using fenugreek also reduces the blood sugar level. In addition, fenugreek also strengthens your immune system. Eating fenugreek in the winter season has many health benefits.

Fenugreek or Spinach, which one is better to eat

1. People who have the problem of thinning blood, they should avoid eating spinach. Spinach is helpful in removing blood clotting. Similarly, diabetic patients should also not use spinach without doctor’s advice.

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2. If you are on a low calorie diet, then eating fenugreek instead of spinach can be more beneficial for health. Fenugreek has less carb content than spinach, while protein is plentiful. While 100 grams of fenugreek contains 2.9 grams of carbs and 4 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbs and 2 grams of protein are found in 100 grams of spinach.

3. Fenugreek has a higher calcium count than spinach and this is the reason why eating fenugreek is considered beneficial for bone health as well.

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