Stress Buster Yoga Poses: In Just 10 Minutes You Can Remove Your Fatigue, Try This Asana

Stress Buster Yoga Poses: In our daily life, we get so tired and stressed that we are unable to pay attention to all this. To deal with this, we either take the help of medicines in a hurry or we are not able to pay attention to it. But you cannot even imagine how it is slowly harming your mind and body. Yes, in fact, if you are also struggling with the problem of fatigue and stress due to work or any other reason, then it will be beneficial for you to practice yoga daily to get rid of it. With the help of some yoga asanas, you can overcome daily stress. Let’s know about these asanas.

With the help of this asana, you can reduce your stress. By doing this asana for at least 10 minutes daily, your mind remains calm. For this, place your right foot under the left knee and the left foot under the right knee and leave the body loose in a calm state by closing the eyes. During this, keep breathing in and out slowly.

marjari seat
This asana is also called cat pose. This puts a strain on our spinal cord and abdominal muscles and relaxes the shoulders, waist and neck. To do this, sit on the knees and hands as if the body has been made a table. While breathing in, slowly release the stomach inwards and then outwards, this gives relaxation to the whole body along with the mind.

  The best way to avoid stress, know how you can live a stress free life

Get down on your knees and move your hands forward. While doing this, tilt the body forward as well. By doing this the stress goes away.

To do this, keep the legs and back straight. Now pull the hands forward from the feet and tilt the head down, then slowly bring the hands to the normal position. Along with fatigue, you will also get relief from stress.

Disclaimer: Take the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as a suggestion, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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