Suffering From Kidney Diseases? 5 Super-Foods That You Must Include In Your Diet

A healthy kidney is essential for the elimination of wastes from the food you eat. They are responsible for removing ammonia, protein waste and minerals such as sodium, potassium and phosphorus. If you have kidney disease and need regular dialysis for blood purification, you should be more careful about what you eat. Eating a low-protein diet, limiting salt intake, reducing phosphorus-rich foods, and choosing a potassium-low diet are some of the recommended dietary changes for people with kidney disease. Here are 5 superfoods you should eat if you have kidney disease.Also read – Is Air Frying Healthy? Learn the top 5 health benefits of air fryers

5 foods that can help your kidneys repair faster:

Onion: Onions are a healthy food for people who have high creatinine levels and poor kidney function. It contains a substance called prostaglandin, which naturally lowers blood viscosity and helps reduce high blood pressure, thereby slowing the progression of kidney disease. Also read – Monsoon Hair Care Tips: You should eat 5 foods to prevent hair loss

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Egg whites: Egg whites are a high-quality, kidney-friendly source of protein. Moreover, they are an excellent choice for dialysis patients who need more protein but should limit phosphorus.

Garlic: People with kidney problems should limit their sodium intake, which includes added salt. Garlic is an alternative to the delicious salt that adds flavor to meals while also providing nutritional benefits.

Carrots or raw carrots: Hypertension is a major risk factor for kidney disease and kidney failure. People with chronic kidney disease should consume foods that help regulate blood pressure. Carrots are a food that works wonderfully to lower blood pressure. It not only treats high blood pressure but also helps control diabetes, which can lead to kidney disease.

Olive oil: Olive oil is a source of healthy fats that are also phosphorus-free, making it an excellent choice for people with kidney disease. So, instead of adding other oils when cooking food, add olive oil. It is healthy, nutritious and beneficial for people suffering from kidney diseases.

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