summer tips for kids in hindi. – GoMedia

Young children should be taken care of more in the summer season because the risk of getting sick is high in summer itself. Young children need the most attention as they are not able to do any work on their own. children’s immunity strong Due to the absence of this, they get infections quickly and due to excessive heat, children can be troubled by sunstroke, skin related problems, so it is necessary for everyone to take care of their children.

Summer weather is dangerous for small children. Coming to school or returning from school, playing outside and traveling in hot sun is not good for children’s health. Children’s skin is soft and rising temperature They are quickly affected by this, in such a situation, if the children go out of the house, then they dehydration, Sunburn , toxic Meal Like there is a risk of many diseases. Children’s health cannot be ignored. Therefore summer season There are many things to keep in mind while taking children out.

  • Children’s health deteriorates by roaming around in hot summer. In this case, children should be given more liquid diet such as fruit juice, coconut water, sherbet, buttermilk, lemonade So that the child remains hydrated for a long time.
  • While packing children’s tiffin, never give stale or leftover food from it. Stale food spoils quickly due to high temperature. Keep light food in children’s tiffin like- sandwich, pasta, vegetable, roti, paratha, khichdi, fruits etc. In this season children do not digest spicy food like Chickpeas, beans, flour products, chowmein, burgers Do not give etc. because children get sick after eating all these.
  • Green vegetables should also be fed to children to supply adequate amount of nutrients. Due to this, children get all the necessary nutrients, due to which the physical and mental development of children takes place in the right way. children’s diet Vegetable soup can be included in this.
  • Must include curd in the diet of children during the summer season. With this, where children will eat with gusto, their digestion will also be good due to this. At the same time, they will also be saved from the heat.
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What are the things to keep in mind during the summer season?

  • Playing Activities: Whether it is winter or summer, it is important for children to play, so you should take care of their activities. Don’t let them play in the afternoon when it’s hot or heat stroke, and don’t let them go out at all.
  • Bath Time: Bathe children in the summer season only in the afternoon, bathing too early in the morning or too late in the evening can cause them to catch cold and heat. On the other hand, taking a bath during the day time will also provide relief from the heat.
  • Cleaning Care: Along with bathing the children, keep washing your hands and face from time to time. This allows you to protect them in any way infection And will be able to save from virus.
  • Right Temperature: The temperature of the room where the child stays should neither be too cold nor too hot. Keep the temperature balanced. Temperature has a huge connection with the mood of children. Which we often do not understand. Along with taking care of the temperature in the room, ventilation should also be good. Their bedsheet should also be of cotton cloth.
  • Skin Care: Children’s skin is most sensitive doctor’s advice Use skin care products only after taking them. Do not forget to include sunscreen in it, it will go a long way in protecting them from the harmful rays of the sun.
  • Hydration Tips: In summer, if children are not kept hydrated, their breathing starts fast and there is restlessness. To avoid this, keep giving them lemon water, coconut water, lassi as well as water every half an hour.
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