The Absolute Best Workout To Try Whenever You Have Your Period

welcome to does it move! We’ve been exercising at home more than ever, and we know our readers are, too. To help you keep your fitness routine fresh, we’re launching a new at-home workout to start your week off strong. Each month will feature workouts from a different amazing trainer that we love. Now, let’s get moving with our featured trainer: Maeve McEwan.

Have you heard of exercising in tune with your menstrual cycle? Basically, it’s the concept of optimizing your exercise routine to match how you feel based on your hormones, energy levels, and more (you can Read more about it, here). As a leading trainer in p.returns I’m here to share some ideas about exercise for your cycle, based on Phase program and function of P.volvecreated in conjunction with our Clinical Advisory Council of doctors, nutritionists and more.

First: your menstrual phase, also known as your period. During this time, energy levels are at their lowest, so you may notice that you feel a little more tired than usual. That’s why it’s important to consider how much rest you need and take it easy.

I recommend doing some gentle stretching towards the beginning of your menstrual phase, then low impact workouts To the end. I also advise against any type of intense exercise during this time.

In this workout, we’ll move in a way that allows you to contract and relax your abs to reduce inflammation, bloating, increase circulation, and in a way that supports what’s happening hormonally in the menstrual phase.

Join me on the mat and let’s go through this active stretch for your menstrual phase!

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