Sunita Williams’ Weight Is Continuously Decreasing In Space, Know How Dangerous Sudden Weight Loss Is

Sunita Williams Weight Loss : American astronaut of Indian origin Sunita Williams is stuck in space. During this time, he lost weight rapidly, which became the biggest challenge for doctors and scientists. Since reaching the International Space Station in June 2024, its weight has continued to decrease.

According to an article from the American New York Post, NASA experts are doing everything possible to normalize his weight. In such a situation, the question arises why Sunita Williams is losing weight in space. How dangerous can sudden weight loss be? Let us know the answers to these questions…

Why does Sunita Williams’ weight decrease in space?

Weight loss is pretty common in space. This is mainly seen during long missions. According to some reports, people going to space need more calories than those living on Earth. When Sunita Williams went on her mission, her weight was 63.5 kg and her height was 5.8 feet. But the high-calorie diet offered to them does not meet their needs. In space, the human body’s metabolism increases, requiring more calories.

NASA scientists estimate that the average astronaut needs 3,500 to 4,000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. Apart from this, to keep the body in weightless shape, it is necessary to exercise for about two hours every day, which helps in burning calories and reducing weight.

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How dangerous is sudden weight loss?

1. Lack of nutrition

Due to weight loss, the body does not receive essential nutrients, which can lead to health problems. Not getting the right kind of nutrition in the body can lead to serious health risks. Therefore, even on earth it is forbidden to lose weight with the help of medications.

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2. Muscle weakness

Due to weight loss, muscles become weak, leading to difficulty in physical activities. In fact, walking on the ground causes fatigue, because the bones and muscles have to work against Earth’s gravity, but in zero or very low weightlessness, there is no stress on the body, causing damage to bones and muscles.

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3. Heart problems

Sudden weight loss increases pressure on the heart, which can lead to heart problems. In space, bodily fluids do not stay in the body as they do on Earth. Because of this, the way the body functions changes. Red blood cells form in the bone marrow of the body’s bones. Due to the changing fluid dynamics in space, the bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells. As a result, the volume of blood in the body and the hemoglobin present in red blood cells decrease. It is thanks to hemoglobin that it reaches the essential organs of the body circulating with the blood. A deficiency in hemoglobin puts pressure on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to heart disease.

4. Mental health affected

Sudden weight loss can affect mental health, causing stress and depression. Actually the reason why Sunita Williams has psychological problems is that she only went to space for 8 days but had to stay there for more than 8 months, in such a situation her mental health can be affected .

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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