Can you lose weight just by doing Surya Namaskar? let’s find out the truth

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 Surya Namaskar for Weight loss
Surya Namaskar for Weight loss

Surya Namaskar is quite popular among Bollywood actresses, big Bollywood actresses like Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Kareena Kapoor also follow Surya Namaskar to stay fit. But does it really guarantee weight loss?

we are in a new year and we have a new set of resolutions. if something that can’t change is our fitness. The year 2020 has taught us the importance of health and well-being and we can do our best to achieve our goals this year. this includes weight loss, it is important to get rid of unnecessary fat stored in our body, as it can harm our health in many ways

But what can we do when we have very little time for our fitness? That is a big question. Don’t panic, the answer is Surya namaskar. It is a yoga asana that targets your entire body and helps you stay fit. it consists of 12 asanas, which are a part of the routine. Along with this, the most important question is, whether weight can really be reduced by doing Surya Namaskar only?

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Let us know Surya Namaskar for weight loss and its benefits

Surya Namaskar includes various yoga asanas which contribute to positive physical and mental health. As mentioned above, it is a complete physical exercise that combines strength and yoga. which helps you in weight loss. in fact, Bollywood actresses like Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shilpa Shetty also rely on this yoga to stay fit.

It not only strengthens your body and core muscles but also increases blood circulation. it synchronizes your breath as well as gives your body a good shape.

Our body is made up of three elements – Kapha, Pitta and Vata, and when you practice Surya Namaskar regularly, you get the balance of all three. This will make your body more flexible, glow in your skin, improve your digestive system, and improve your mental health.

There is no specific rule for this that you must do this exercise in the morning, but make sure you do it on an empty stomach.

Lose weight with Surya Namaskar

When you decide to do Surya Namaskar regularly, the best part is that you don’t have to go to the gym or practice any other vigorously. All you need is a yoga mat and you can start it anywhere. You can also practice meditation before and after it to calm your mind and improve your mental health.

Research suggests that each round of Surya Namaskar burns 13.90 calories. Ideally, it should be done in 12 repeats. Of course, start it slowly and then go up to 12 Surya Namaskar, which will help you burn 416 calories. Also, each round takes only 3.5 to 4 minutes. So practice for one hour every day. of course, you will see very good results.

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Now find out the right way to do Surya Namaskar

 Surya Namaskar for Weight loss
various asanas of surya namaskar are beneficial for your physical and mental health. picture: Shutterstock

1. Pranam Asana (Prayer Pose)

Stand straight on your yoga mat and keep your feet close to each other. Breathe deeply, expand your chest and keep your shoulders relaxed. As you inhale, raise your arms from side to side and while exhaling, bring your palms together in front of the chest in prayer position.

2. Raised arms pose

Like in prayer pose, keep your palms together. Take a deep breath and raise your arms. Now, keeping your biceps close to your ears, lean back slightly.

3. Hasta padasana (standing forward bend pose)

While exhaling and keeping the spine straight, bend forward from the waist. Try to touch the floor. As you do the pose, exhale slowly and thoroughly.

4. Ashwa Shandanasana (Lunge Pose)

Slightly bend your knees, so that your palms rest comfortably on the floor beside your feet. Take a deep breath and slowly bring your right knee to the right side of your chest, and pull your left leg back. Raise your head and keep looking forward.

5. Chaturang Dandasana (plank pose)

Inhale and bring your right leg back. Now, both your hands will be just below your shoulders. Make sure your body is parallel to the ground.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar (eight-limbed pose)

After Chaturanga Dandasana, exhale and slowly bring your knees down towards the floor. Keep your chin on the floor and hips hanging in the air. Your hands, knees, chin and chest will rest on the ground while remaining suspended in the air if your posture is correct.

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7. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Keep the middle of your foot and body flat on the ground. Place your palms next to your chest. Take a deep breath and apply pressure on the hands, so that your body rises. Your head and torso will resemble a cobra with a raised hood in this pose.

8. Downward-facing pose

Keeping your palm and foot where they are, exhale and slowly make your hip form a V shape with the body. Straighten your elbows and knees and look towards the navel.

9. Ashwa Shandanasana (high-lunge pose)

Keeping the left foot behind and looking forward, while simultaneously bringing your right foot forward, go back into horse handling posture.

10. Hasta padasana (standing forward bend pose)

Inhale and bring the left leg forward so that it is next to the right leg. Keeping the position of the hands intact, exhale and slowly twist the torso and enter the Hasta Padasana pose.

11. Raised arms pose

Inhale and lift the upper body. Join the palms and raise your arms above your head. Bend backward as in Step 2.

12. Prayer Pose

Exhale and stand up straight. Lower the arms and place the palms in front of your chest.

Practice Surya Namaskar regularly for weight loss, and you will see results in no time!!!

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