Never eat these things after drinking alcohol, otherwise poison will be formed in the body… life can be lost!

Never eat these things after drinking alcohol, otherwise poison will be formed in the body… life can be lost!

Nowadays, especially among the youth, the trend of drinking alcohol has increased a lot. Just an excuse is needed for those who drink because nowadays it has become a common thing. There are so many varieties of liquor available in the market that everyone likes to drink liquor according to their own choice. You must … Read more

When you stop drinking, these 10 unique incidents happen to you

When you stop drinking, these 10 unique incidents happen to you

How to leave your drinking habit: When you stop drinking, a lot of things happen in life, whose value you start to understand. You had these things even before you got addicted to alcohol, but then you did not realize their value. But after coming out of the addiction, when you experience them once again, … Read more

Any hot drink should not be drunk after eating these three things

Any hot drink should not be drunk after eating these three things

Unhealthy Food: Since the arrival of Kovid, most people while eating food take care that they eat healthy food. But even after this, they often become ill or many health-related problems persist. This happens because the intention of eating all the healthy food is good, but unknowingly people do such things, due to which the … Read more