Feeling Of Apathy In Depression Can Be A Symptom For Chronic Diseases Like Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

Feeling Of Apathy In Depression Can Be A Symptom For Chronic Diseases Like Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s

Feeling of apathy can lead to chronic mental health disorders Depression is a mental health condition that can lead to a feeling of apathy. Experts say there is a link between apathy and depression, which can act as a trigger for chronic mental health disorders. Written by Kinkini Gupta | Updated: Jul 1, 2022 2:31 … Read more

Dancers stay one step ahead of dementia by training brains and lifting spirits

Dancers stay one step ahead of dementia by training brains and lifting spirits

Dancing is more than a hobby for retiree Lou Tiziani; he is helping him stay young. Twice a week she helps organize New Vogue dance events in the Wollongong area and has its own website that lists all the dances in the region from the Highlands to the South Coast. New Vogue sequence dancing originated … Read more

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

What Is Dementia: Dementia is the name of such a disease of forgetfulness, to cure which even today’s science cannot do much. After a limit, the patient suffering from this disease finds it difficult to remember things. He may even forget his own identity (Forgetfullness). In whichever family there is a patient suffering from dementia, … Read more

Mental Disease: Alzheimer’s and Dementia are forgetful diseases, know what is the difference between the two

Mental Disease: Alzheimer’s and Dementia are forgetful diseases, know what is the difference between the two

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Dementia is a very common mental illness. According to statistics, 1 out of every 5 people may have dementia at some point in their lifetime. In the whole world, about 50 million people i.e. counting them in lakhs, 500 lakh people are suffering from dementia. Of those who have dementia, 70 percent … Read more

New Study Reveals How Exercise Protects Against Dementia

New Study Reveals How Exercise Protects Against Dementia

Exercise can help protect your brain as you age, and a new study suggests how this might happen. Previous research has shown that physical activity helps protect brain cells. This document indicates that you can do this through lower levels of insulin and body fat. “These results may help us understand how physical activity affects … Read more

No rice? How the keto diet helped a family tackle their health conditions

No rice? How the keto diet helped a family tackle their health conditions

HONG KONG — The table is full of food at the Farooq house in the Petaling Jaya suburb of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There’s creamy spinach, broccoli, cauliflower rice, beef, and chicken for Sunday lunch, and sitting around the table are Norah Mohammed Khir, Ella’s mother Chan Yoke Yen, Ella’s husband Mohammed Farooq, and Ella’s son. … Read more