What is pre birth term? why babies are born prematurely

Pre Mature Baby: To become a mother, a woman has to keep a child in her womb for 9 months. During this, she has to face many problems and sometimes due to some health reasons, the child is born early, which is called premature baby. According to the recent reports, there has been an increase in … Read more

Coffee For Kids: Should babies be given coffee? Know what is the opinion of experts

Coffee for Kids : Every parent wants to give the best things to their children. That’s why they take care of every little thing of the children. Especially, parents take care of things related to food and nutrients a lot. But if you are a parent of a teenager that you can understand how difficult … Read more

Premature Birth: Why babies are born before 9 months, this is the right reason

Premature Labor Symptoms: For any woman, becoming a mother is one of her special moments. Which she can’t compare to anything. In such a situation, special care has to be taken of the mother and the child growing inside her. These include lifestyle, diet and routine checkup of pregnant women. A pregnant woman takes great … Read more