WHO has considered this plant as anti-diabetic, eating its leaves, bark or root will control sugar.

Diabetes Remedy: Diabetes cannot be eradicated from the root, but it can be controlled. For diabetes, it is important to take medicines, keep a healthy lifestyle and take care of diet. This is a disease that damages the kidneys, lungs, heart and eyes. You can also adopt some home remedies to control diabetes. There are … Read more

Arjun’s bark has many properties, these 4 problems can be removed

Arjuna Bark Benefits: Arjuna bark is an Ayurvedic medicine, which is used to overcome many problems of the body. It is mainly used in the form of a decoction in Ayurveda. It can help you to overcome problems like infection, infection, sore throat, cold and flu. Apart from this, the bark of Arjuna can have … Read more

Ashoka bark has many properties, removes these problems of women

Ashoka Bark For Women: Ashoka bark has many properties, it removes these problems of women. Source link

The bark of the Ashoka tree removes these problems in a few days.

Ashoka Bark for Womens: The bark of Ashoka tree removes these problems of women in a few days. Source link