Effective Ayurvedic Remedies and Tips to Dry Pus

Pus is a thick, yellow or green fluid that forms in the body during an infection. This usually occurs when the body reacts against bacteria or other microorganisms. Pus usually appears at the site of a sore, abscess, or infection and can be different colors and odors depending on the severity and type of infection. … Read more

इन चीज़ों से नेचुरली साफ हो जाएगा खून…चेहरे पर भी आएगा जबरदस्त ग्लो

How To Purify Blood: हमारे शरीर में खून का रहना बहुत जरूरी है. वह भी शुद्ध खून. क्योंकि खून में अशुद्धता आपको कई तरह की बीमारी दे सकती है. आपको पिंपल्स मुंहासे निकल सकते हैं. आपके आंतों का स्वास्थ्य खराब हो सकता है. आप कब्ज से परेशान हो सकते हैं. इम्यूनिटी भी कमजोर हो सकती … Read more

From toothache to stone… keep using Tulsi like this, these diseases will stay away

Basil i.e. Tulsi is being used in India for centuries. Its plants will definitely be found in most of the houses in India. From good health to enhancing the taste of tea, we use Tulsi. The sages of India had knowledge of the medicinal properties of Tulsi millions of years ago, that’s why so much … Read more

Avoid mosquitoes with these 5 plants, not with coils or mosquito lights… know their names

Mosquito Repellent Plants: The menace of mosquitoes increases as the summer season approaches. As soon as the evening comes, the whole army of mosquitoes takes possession of your house and because of these mosquitoes, your peace gets lost somewhere. By the way, people use coils, mosquito lights and different types of products from the market … Read more

Tulsi plant protects from many diseases

Tulsi leaves: Tulsi plant is considered sacred in Hinduism. This plant is worshiped with rituals in different Teej festivals. You will definitely find a Tulsi plant outside the house of people who believe in Hinduism. Not only is this plant important from a religious point of view, but in Ayurveda too, this plant has been … Read more

Many diseases are eradicated from the leaves of these 7 plants including basil, mango, fenugreek, see the full list

Many diseases are eradicated from the leaves of these 7 plants including Tulsi, Mango, Fenugreek, see full list. Source link