Do not do this work even after drinking tea, otherwise no one can save you from getting sick.

Do not do this work even after drinking tea, otherwise no one can save you from getting sick. Source link

Soap makes your skin dry while bathing in winter, try these home remedies

Winter Skin Care: The thing that bothers us the most in the winter season is our skin. In cold weather, our skin needs double care. From soap to cream, we have to choose very carefully. In this season, along with the face, you also have to take special care of your hands and feet. But … Read more

Bathing gives these benefits to the body

Bathing is necessary to keep the body healthy and clean. Some people like to take bath in the morning and some in the night. Bathing also has different advantages and disadvantages. People of India are among the most bathers in the world. Often you must have heard people saying that taking a bath removes germs … Read more

Not taking bath daily is also beneficial

As soon as the winter season starts, the children in the house, even the elders sometimes hesitate to take a bath. People do not want to take bath early in the morning in the cold. There are many people who take bath only once or twice a week. Often you must have heard that bathing … Read more

Keep these things in mind while bathing in hot water, dryness will not hurt

Hot Water Bath: Bathing with hot water in cold weather has its own fun. The first thing is that one has the courage to take a bath in cold weather only when there is hot water in the bathroom. Secondly, hot water removes the effect of cold and works to fill energy in the body. … Read more

What is the difference between toilet soap and bathing soap, know here

Soap Difference: Although many types of bodywash have come in the market nowadays, since then soap is slowly disappearing from the bathroom of people’s house. By the way, even now Red and Orange Soap has made its place in some houses and villages. Significantly, more than half of the soaps fall under the category of … Read more

Always stay young…so do this work while bathing

Health Tips: If you are getting old, your youth has started fading, you want to stay young forever and keep your beauty intact, then salt can fulfill your wish. No need to be surprised. Actually, just as salt enhances the taste of food, in the same way its use can always make you young. If … Read more

Bathing is not just a bath, if you use the right method then you can avoid these diseases.

Best Way To Bath: Physiology has to be taken care of even while taking a bath. So that pouring water on the body gives you relief and not disease. According to Ayurveda, bathing also has its own method so that the body temperature can be reduced gradually. When you start bathing according to this method, … Read more