Winter Special: How Bathua May Help Lose Weight in Colder Months? 5 Tips to Know

Home Lifestyle Winter Special: How Bathua May Help Lose Weight in Colder Months? 5 Tips to Know Bathua is a winter special that comes in many forms. A versatile food, it serves several benefits and weight loss is one of them. Here is how. Winter Special: How Bathua May Help Lose Weight in Colder Months? … Read more

Weight Loss Tips For Winters: Does Bathua Help in Losing Kilos? CHECK

Bathua Health Benefits: Bathua, also called Chenopodium album, is a dark, leafy winter vegetable with rich flavor and health benefits. As a low-calorie, high-fiber food, Bathua is a wonderful option for a weight loss diet. Bathua contains more potassium and iron than spinach, both of which are excellent nutrients. To get the most flavor out … Read more