सोने से पहले सर्दियों में जरूर कर लें ये काम, सुबह त्वचा मिलेगी एकदम सॉफ्ट

सोने से पहले सर्दियों में जरूर कर लें ये काम, सुबह त्वचा मिलेगी एकदम सॉफ्ट

Face Care Tips:  आजकल के बिजी लाइफस्टाइल और अनहेल्थी खानपान साथ ही धूल और प्रदूषण की वजह से फेस जल्दी ही खराब हो जाता है. हम अपने काम के कारण अच्छे से देखभाल नहीं कर पाते हैं. अगर आपका चेहरा भी बेजान और रूखा नजर आ रहा है और चेहरे की रंगत कम होते जा … Read more

हेल्‍दी और शाइनी स्किन के लिए रात में लगाएं ये घरेलू पैक, चेहरे पर आएगा गजब का निखार

हेल्‍दी और शाइनी स्किन के लिए रात में लगाएं ये घरेलू पैक, चेहरे पर आएगा गजब का निखार

<p><strong>Beauty Hacks :</strong> कौन नहीं चाहता कि उसका चेहरा हेल्दी, ग्लोइंग और खिला-खिला सा लगे, लेकिन बिजी लाइफस्टाइल, प्रदूषण और अनहेल्दी डाइट ने हमारी स्किन और चेहरे की चमक को कम कर दिया है.दिनभर के धूल-मिट्टी, प्रदूषण और मेकअप से त्वचा प्रभावित होती है. इसलिए रात को सही तरीके से चेहरे की सफाई करके स्किन … Read more

Attention ! Junk food is not only harming your health but also your age and beauty

Attention !  Junk food is not only harming your health but also your age and beauty

Junk Food Side Effects : If you want to be healthy then your diet should be healthy and nutritious. This type of food not only keeps your body active, but also prevents diseases. Nowadays the trend of junk food has started. Everyone eats with great gusto but it can be quite dangerous (Junk Food Side … Read more

Do not forget to remove the skin coming out around the nail by biting it.

Do not forget to remove the skin coming out around the nail by biting it.

It is very common to get skin around the nail. This is the problem with most people, especially in winter, the skin around the nails of most people becomes dry and then starts coming out. Many of the same people remove the skin by cutting it with the help of teeth, but for the sake … Read more

This fruit is not only useful for the stomach, but also for the skin! Try including it in your diet.

This fruit is not only useful for the stomach, but also for the skin!  Try including it in your diet.

Fruits For Glowing Skin in Summer: It is very important to keep the skin hydrated during summer. In such times, we can use all fruits to keep the skin glowing and hydrated. Fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that can help keep your skin nourished and glowing in a number of … Read more

Pre & Post Holi Care Tips ; Amazon Recommendations

Pre & Post Holi Care Tips ; Amazon Recommendations

Holi is definitely a fun festival, but what isn’t fun is the damage it causes. Harmful chemicals and colors can definitely take their toll on your skin and hair – even the so-called organic ones! With ingredients like motor oil, diesel, and the like, it’s sensible to take precautionary measures to keep your skin and … Read more

Want to look beautiful in wedding season, want to stay healthy, then follow these 5 effective tips

Want to look beautiful in wedding season, want to stay healthy, then follow these 5 effective tips

As the wedding season celebration is going on. Everyone is engaged in different kinds of efforts. These days the biggest challenge is to keep ourselves healthy and beautiful. Because neither one wants to fall sick during the wedding season nor does one want to face skin problems (oily skin, dry skin, pimples etc.). We feel … Read more

Dark Circles: Almond oil will make dark circles disappear, this trick will say goodbye to dark circles!

Dark Circles: Almond oil will make dark circles disappear, this trick will say goodbye to dark circles!

Dark Circles Removal Tips: God has given us two very beautiful eyes to see this beautiful world. It is also our duty to take care of these eyes. The beginning of your face is from the eyes. That’s why the brightness of the eyes becomes necessary for your face. But the dark circles under the … Read more